Since passing the Active Directory 70-640 exam four months ago I have been learning all about Microsoft network infrastructure on Windows Server 2008 R2 in order to take the 70-642 certification exam. I took this exam on the 7th of May and passed successfully, now just one more to complete the MCITP.
I posted about the Active Directory exam here, so this is just a follow up to mark my current progress.
At the moment I am studying for the MCITP: Server Administrator, which basically requires the following 3 exams:
70-640: Configuring Active Directory – Complete!
70-642: Configuring Network Infrastructure – Complete!
70-646: Server Administrator
I found this exam a bit more difficult than the Active Directory one, I got a lower score yet studied harder. There were more surprise questions that I had not prepared for as well, that were not covered in any of my learning materials.
I studied for it by watching the TrainSignal and CBT Nuggets videos twice each. I spend about two hours of my day commuting via bus to work each day so I just watch these on my tablet.
In addition to this I also read the Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-642) Configuring Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure (MCTS) (2nd Edition) (Microsoft Press Training Kit) a couple of times which is a recommended learning material by Microsoft.
I found it interesting that the videos I watched referred to the above book, but said that you shouldn’t need to read the whole thing, just use it as a reference when you need to look something up. I can honestly say without the detailed explanations presented in the book I probably would not have passed. Videos are a great means of learning however for me I need both videos and book.
The book also came with some practice tests which I spent a day on and they were definitely worth the time as I found at least a couple of questions in my real exam come close to these on topics that I didn’t otherwise fully understand from my previous studying.
So just one more exam to go (70-646: Server Administrator) to finish the MCITP, for now I plan on taking a break as I’ve had enough of spending most of my free time studying – it’s also the reason I haven’t had a chance to post recently on here. A fair amount of the material in this next exam appears to be similar to what I’ve already studied so that should help too.
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That’s nice and intuitive.
I am trying to do exactly the same thing.
Let’s exchange our experience.