Today I got the results for the RHCSA EX200 exam which I took yesterday and passed with full marks, I received a score of 300/300 with the passing score being 210. This is just a quick review about the materials I used and how I studied to pass the exam, I hope that this guide will help you study! I will not be discussing any of the contents that were within the exam, if you’re interested in what is covered have a look at the exam objective page here.
Tag Archives: Exam
Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) 7 Study Guide – EX200
70-410 Microsoft Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 exam – Passed
Currently I am working towards my MCSA 2012 certification, and yesterday I passed the Microsoft 70-410 exam for Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 with a score of 984/1000, or 59/60 questions correct unfortunately just off 100% – not that it matters as a pass is a pass in the Microsoft certification world.
In this post I’ll cover the materials I studied to pass, as well as why I’ve changed over to studying for the MCSA 2012 instead of completing the MCITP Server Administrator (MCSA 2008) which I was previously working towards.
At the moment I have completed 1 of the 3 exams:
70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 – Complete!
70-411 Administering Windows Server 2012
70-412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
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70-642 Microsoft Network Infrastructure exam – Passed
Since passing the Active Directory 70-640 exam four months ago I have been learning all about Microsoft network infrastructure on Windows Server 2008 R2 in order to take the 70-642 certification exam. I took this exam on the 7th of May and passed successfully, now just one more to complete the MCITP.
I posted about the Active Directory exam here, so this is just a follow up to mark my current progress.
At the moment I am studying for the MCITP: Server Administrator, which basically requires the following 3 exams:
70-640: Configuring Active Directory – Complete!
70-642: Configuring Network Infrastructure – Complete!
70-646: Server Administrator
70-640 Microsoft Active Directory exam – Passed
For the past few months I have been learning Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 R2 in order to take the certification exam. This morning I took the exam and passed it.
I have been wanting to do so many various IT related certifications for the last few years but have been distracted so much, first by going to university and then starting full time work. At last I’ve finally made some real progress on achieving the certification goals that I’ve set and by passing this one today it has motivated me to continue.
At the moment I am studying for the MCITP: Server Administrator which basically requires the following 3 exams:
70-640: Configuring Active Directory
70-642: Configuring Network Infrastructure
70-646: Server Administrator