Tag Archives: Web Server - Page 2

How To Secure Invision Power Board (IPB)

How To Secure Invision Power Board

This guide will show you how to increase the security of an Invision Power Board (IPB) installation. We’ll walk through practical examples for you to follow to harden IPB, reducing your attack surface.

There are a lot of insecure default options which unless modified will put you at a higher risk of being compromised by an attacker. Here we will outline what should be modified to increase security of IPB.

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How To Install IIS In Windows Server 2016

Install IIS Web Server - Windows Server 2016

Here we’re going to show you how to install the Internet Information Services (IIS) web server version 10.0 in Microsoft’s Windows Server 2016 operating system.

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Linux Web Server Performance Benchmark – 2016 Results

I have previously performed a benchmark on a variety of web servers in 2012 and have had some people request that I redo the tests with newer versions of the web servers as no doubt a lot has likely changed since then.

Here I’ll be performing benchmarks against the current latest versions of a number of Linux based web servers and then comparing them against each other to get an idea of which one performs the best under a static workload.

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How To Configure TLS Security in Apache


By default Apache will serve web content out over the wire in the clear via HTTP which is insecure. We can increase the security between clients and the web server by using HTTPS. This will encrypt the data transferred between the two and is done by configuring TLS.

Here we will add HTTPS support for our test domain www.example.com, which we previously configured in our virtual host configuration guide.
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How To Configure an Apache Virtual Host

Virtual Host Diagram

In Apache (httpd) virtual hosts are used to host web content for multiple domains off of the same server depending on the IP address or domain name that is being used. Depending on the request received different virtual host configuration can apply, resulting in different settings and web content being served from a single web server. For example a web server with one IP address can host multiple domain names such as example.com and example.org and many more.

Here we are going to cover how to configure virtual hosts for Apache 2.4 so that we can have multiple domains serving different websites based on what is requested.

Red Hat Certified Engineer RHCE Video Course
Studying for your RHCE certification? Checkout our RHCE video course over at Udemy which is 20% off when you use the code ROOTUSER.

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How to Create a Website or Blog with WordPress

WordPress is a free web application that allows you to create a fantastic looking website or blog. There are thousands of additional themes and plugins allowing you to easily customize your website to get the unique look and functionality that you’re after. So how can setup your new website using WordPress? Let’s take a look.
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New Server Upgrade – A Scalable Solution

For some time now I have wanted to move this website over to a newer server in order to improve overall website load times around the world. First I’ll cover the old server, what I was looking for and how I decided on a provider.

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A guide to Cloud Linux

Cloud Linux

The purpose of Cloud Linux is to improve the overall stability, reliability and performance of a shared server. Cloud Linux limits each individual account to a set amount of CPU and memory (RAM) resources. This means that rather than a server going under load and becoming slow for all users on it, only the account causing problems will be restricted. As Cloud Linux is becoming more common on shared hosting servers, it is important to know how to troubleshoot common problems that come up when using it to get the most out of your website and hosting environment.

I’ve used Cloud Linux for over a year now and think it’s great when used correctly, this article includes everything I have learned while using it during that time. A lot of users don’t like it because they have experienced it cutting the performance of their websites. With this guide you will be able to pin point issues and then work on resolving them. Although this information is aimed towards the server administrator, users within the Cloud Linux environment will find useful information for checking logs to find problems with their websites.

This article will be focused around cPanel, however most of the main points about Cloud Linux will still be directly useful for other control panels, such as Plesk.

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Web Server Performance Benchmark

I’ve been benchmarking different web servers recently and this post contains all of my results as well as information on how the tests were performed during the process.

I have benchmarked Apache 2.2, Apache 2.4, Nginx, Lighttpd, Varnish, Litespeed, Cherokee and G-WAN web servers when running on 1 CPU core, 2 CPU cores, 4 CPU cores and 8 CPU cores while loading a 100 byte static HTML page to determine the difference between them in performance.

2016 Update: I have run the tests again with up to date web server versions in 2016.

Web server performance benchmark

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Performance difference between IIS 7.5 and IIS 8

Windows IIS Benchmark

Here is a quick benchmark of IIS 7.5 and IIS 8 to get an idea of the performance difference between these two Microsoft web servers for Windows on different numbers of CPU cores and different levels of concurrent connections. IIS 7.5 was tested on Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter, while IIS 8 was tested on the Release Candidate of Windows Server 2012.

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