This is my write up for the second Unix challenge at the Ruxcon 2017 security conference capture the flag (CTF).
The challenge was called ‘Bit early in the morning for kungfu’ and was worth 300 points.
The BSides Canberra 2017 conference just wrapped up along with the capture the flag event and I wanted to document my solution to one of the two memory analysis challenges from the forensic category titled “Rekt Exfil”.
I was keen to try this challenge as I’m pretty interested in memory analysis. The first time I ever attempted a memory challenge was actually during the BSides Canberra 2016 CTF, so it’s been a full year since my first time.
The AusCERT 2016 Capture The Flag (CTF) was run from the 24th to 26th of May 2016, these are my solutions to the “Game of memory” category of challenges which was made up of 5 parts each worth 100 points, for a total of 500 points.
The AusCERT 2016 Capture The Flag (CTF) was run from the 24th to 26th of May 2016, this is my solution to the first “Pwning” challenge myfirst_cmd which was worth 100 points.
The Google Capture The Flag (CTF) was run on the 29th and 30th of April 2016, this is my solution to the forensics challenge “For1” which was worth 100 points.
The Google Capture The Flag (CTF) was run on the 29th and 30th of April 2016, this is my solution to the forensics challenge “For2” which was worth 200 points.